Friday 6 April 2012

I know it's been a while since my last post but I have been SOOO busy working on a new stop-mo project!! It's a short, like super SUPER short, but it's my first project with a foam latex puppet and I'm really excited about getting it done! I have a few pics to post on my process but that will have to come later because I haven't gotten them off my camera yet, but heres a pic from my phone that I took of the main character's sculpt.  His head will be chopped off and molded seperately later on(so theres no features on his face yet). He hasn't been smoothed out yet in this pic, but it's unfortunately the only pic i took of him at this stage(I'm not very good at taking pics at every stage). His shoes will be already on his feet(I sculpted them on right after this pic) but he will have real clothes on. And in case you were wondering about the Aardman mouth shapes on the wall there, they are just for lip sync reference. Ookie... can't wait to post the rest and to tell you more about it!!! :)

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