Sunday 17 November 2013

The theme of my sons room is Monsters. Friendly monsters of course....
think sesame street, the muppets, fraggle rock, monsters inc, e.t.c. But also some monsters of my own creations. I plan on getting his room done by January when he'll be ready to move in there (he sleeps in our room at the moment), and will post more pics as I get things done. So to start things off here are some letters spelling out his name that I created to hang in his room. I started off with basic wooden letters and sculpted on top, then baked and painted the whole thing. I'm so excited to get his room done, because then I can go back to sculpting other things (which I haven't really had the time to do since he's been born). Enjoy!

Monday 11 November 2013

Technical Difficulties

I finally realized that the quality of the film would best be seen by posting it on youtube and sharing the link here instead of trying to upload the actual film.  So here it finally is lol!