Thursday 26 January 2017

It's been a while! As usual...woops.  Oh well.  Hows about I post my sons Halloween costume from 2016.  He knew he wanted to be a dragon so I tried to start this one slightly earlier than the week of Halloween for once.  I knew I wanted to try to make face prosthetics; though he didn't end up wearing them because he said he didn't like how they felt on his face :(.  The horns were pretty fun to make(foam) and the tail was foam as well.  The bodysuit was an old white one from an olaf costume he had and no longer wore, so I just painted it.  I had every intention of starting months in advance but I did infact leave it till October.  Also, I had to plan my baby girls first birthday! So that took up my time as well.  And when it came down to making my girls costume I had spent so much time on the dragon costume that I had very little time/money/energy left to make something really cool for her! and I didn't even know what she should BE! So I thought what would go well with a dragon.....hmm......the mother of dragons! So 2 days before Halloween I took her tiny measurements, made a quick trip to fabricland and bought a blond wig and here are the results.  Hope you like.  (The dragon costume got rave reviews on the streets trick or treating...and no my daughter didn't go trick or treating)