Tuesday 3 January 2012

While I'm probably the LAST person I know to start a blog, I always figure it's better late than never. Please bear with me on my spelling and grammar, I am an artist afterall ;)

So I guess I should start by explaining the title of this here blog, as I'm sure some of you are like 'huh?'.
My favorite movie of all time is Labyrinth, and when the ' making of ' doc came out I was about 6 years old. The scene from the doc that stood out the most was when they described the process behind the 'shaft of hands' scene in the movie.  Jim Henson describes the many latex "gnarled arthritic hands" that needed to be made for that scene, and when I saw a lady painting one of those hands, with tons of creepy hands in the background, my jaw dropped and I thought that lady had the BEST job in the world and I vowed to be involved in a film of that calibre one day! I practised my artwork and got better at drawing and painting and eventually got into animation, as this has always been a love of mine as well. I graduated from Sheridan College's Classical animation program, dabbled in some computer animation, but still wasn't completely satisfied just animating.  As much as I love/respect the process I just felt I needed to head in a different direction.  I started working for the National Film Board of Canada back in 2006 and it has been a pretty sweet gig, and a real learning experience.  I got to sculpt clay animation characters, props, sets and backdrops, for stop motion animation workshops and it made me realize how much I love to sculpt! AND how much I love stop motion! Armed with this new knowledge I took a maquette course last year, and a few sculpting courses at Toronto School of Art, and got slightly better.  Which brings me to today, and to this blog.  My ultimate goal is to create my own stop motion film, but for now I will just use this blog to post artwork, sculpts(rough work and completed), and randomness about me :) 

Finally, incase anyone's wondering, I was born in Toronto, Dominican background, married my highschool sweetheart Shane(who has been my absolute ROCK these past 15 years, and who also happens to be a kick a$$ photographer) enjoy making cakes, or at least decorating them,lol,  and I truly believe that a cup of tea and a hug can make almost ANYTHING better!

For now please feel free to read an interview I did I while back for NFB's Blog HERE

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